10 Skavantzou Str. 17564 Paleo Faliro Athens Greece

Hellenic Energy Saving Society

Ελληνική Εταιρεία Εξοικονόμησης Ενέργειας

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Mission & Vision

The Hellenic Energy Saving Society,, was founded having as its main aims both to inform the citizens and to conduct activities in order to save energy, so as to protect the environment from the gasses, fumes / smog and the waste which are emitted in the process of energy production. Moreover, it is an organization which is engaged in protecting the natural sources so that the latter can be preserved for the generations to come.

The fore mentioned purpose can be established within the frame of an updated scientific • humanitarian conception about the fortification of all people£s right to live in a ™clean / pureî environment and the safeguarding of the natural sources and ways of surviving - of the next generations.

Furthermore, energy saving and especially the prevention of its waste, will lead to the saving of financial sources both in a national and in an individual level and therefore, leading to the improvement of the living standards of the citizens and in significant improvements in the country£s economics in total.

The company is a legally constituted non profit organization, independent non governmental organization • non profit and it functions within the sector of ™non governmental organizationsî as an initiative of citizens that propels volunteering and social responsibility and sensitivity.

What We Do ?

More concretely, the following consist of the company£s objects:

1. Conduct research programmes and activities in approaching ways and practices in energy saving and natural recourses conservation, as well as eliminating CO2 emissions and pollution.

2. Raise societal awareness of, and capability in, energy saving practices and means, and knowledge transfer to the citizens, firms and the government through appropriate awareness, education and capacity building programs. In addition, appropriately complement governmental competencies and efforts in this regard.

3. Strive to position itself as an institution dedicated to promote energy saving by combining the best that the specialized institutions in European Community and in other developed countries have to offer into a holistic program. Help, establish linkages with educational institutions, urban and rural communities and government agencies (Central, State or Local) for promotion of each and every object of the Organization, and acquire real results.

4. Study and execute scientific research in energy saving models as well as promote and support the installation of alternative energy sources, as well as the operation of specialised energy laboratories country wide.

5. Ensure that a countrywide strategic architecture and groundwork is in place so that there will be a robust and effective plan in developing a national environment for energy saving activities.

6. Study and predict the impact that the energy saving practices will have upon the lifestyle, psychology and attitude of the Greek society.

7. The development, knowledge transfer and dissipation of knowhow, in the scopes of the organization, by executing special events, seminars and training courses, the production of methodological and electronic tools and issuing and publishing periodicals, books, journals, booklets and / or leaflets in furtherance of its objects.

8. Ensure that policies and practices on energy saving are adopted by the Greek community in order to make a better environment for the citizens and firms as well as enhance the competitiveness of Greek economy, by significant cost reduction deriving from the lack of energy waste and eliminating energy costs in general.

9. Strive to reduce CO2 and thermal emissions in the atmosphere for the elimination of the global warming phenomenon, the rapid/rough climatic changes, and the melting of the polar ice caps.

10. Every other activity relative to HESS objectives.

Our Team

HESS is governed by the board of directors, which consists of the following 7 members:

a. Nickolas Papadopoulos, Chairman of the Board of Directors
b. Michael Kiriakides, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors
c. Stamatis Chatzidakis, General Secretary of the Board of Directors
d. Athanasios Katsos, Treasurer of the Board of Directors
e. George Nikolaides, Member of the Board of Directors
f. Lambros Katsoulakis, Member of the Board of Directors
g. Nickolas Nikolinakos, Member of the Board of Directors

The Registered Office of the Hellenic Energy Saving Society is situated in Athens, 10 Skavantzou Str, Paleo Faliro, Tel. +30 210 9840203, e-mail:


Στιγμιότυπο 2022-07-08, 9.18.48 πμ
Nikos Papadopoulos
Στιγμιότυπο 2022-07-08, 9.09.36 πμ
Michalis Kiriakides
Stamatis Chatzidakis